Photograph Magazine Reviews Joel-Peter Witkin: From the Studio

Image: Joel-Peter Witkin, Pygmalian, New Mexico, 1982. Black and white photograph with a small figure in the center with only its limbs visible. The figure has abstract shapes blocking its torso and is sitting on a light pedestal.
Joel-Peter Witkin, Pygmalian, New Mexico, 1982

Robyn Day reviews Joel-Peter Witkin: From the Studio for Photograph Magazine! She writes,

Witkin, of course, is well known for elaborately staged tableaux featuring dismembered body parts and societal outcasts that reference grand scenes from the art-historical canon. They’ve been described over the years as macabre, perverse, and gruesome. The exhibition at Catherine Edelman Gallery through July 3 allows a somewhat more nuanced reading, with the artist’s own words – in a number of journals displayed in a vitrine – alluding to the profound intimacy in his work.

Read the full review here.

The work on display during the exhibition, which ended July 3, can be viewed on our website.

Image: Joel-Peter Witkin, Siamese Twins, LA, 1988
Joel-Peter Witkin, Siamese Twins, LA, 1988